Is to question to doubt?  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

"Is to question to doubt?"
 I can't honestly say I know where this came from, but this precise phrase popped into my head while I was at work today. Nothing triggered it, that I'm aware of, but it struck me as interesting. And so I must blog about it, yes?

I'm really bad at just accepting things as they are, both good and bad. If things are bad, I don't want to just give up. And if things are good, I don't think it will ever last. I suppose in the general view of things this idea is true, but I doubt its a healthy thought to continuously have. And even though I've gotten better at it, I still have that irking feeling in the back of my mind.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say here.

I like questions. Being asked them, asking others them. Mostly deep stuff (or on my own opinion of meaningfulness) is what can catch my interest for hours. This 'interest' is hardly fulfilled, however. People ask me boring unthoughtful stuff, so I am mostly the one showing a higher level of interest, but still beaten down by unthoughtful answers. I guess my mind just isn't the most compatible.

I have no idea why I am writing this. I'm going to stop now.


Posted by: Bethany Sue in , , ,

Sooo... I've been writing things down lately. Thoughts. Quotes. Other meaningless phrases. And I'm going to start posting them on here.

I want to clarify though: I am in no way trying to make myself look awesome, or deep, or smart, ect. These will be here for me to reflect on later, or for you to ponder yourself.

Comments are welcome, as always.

Luke 7:47  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

"Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.”
My friend, T.C., sent this to me in a letter just before he left for his return home from Texas. Now, sending me letters alone are usually touching enough, but given our recent conversations, this was a much needed quote.

People make assumptions about me...that I'm a bad person, or that I am uncaring. This could not be further from the truth. I could sit here and type out my defense to you, but all in all, that would be a pointless effort. These people, most of them strangers to me, will not read this or take time to see if I truly match up to their expectations. I know I shouldn't care about what they think of me, because I know myself and my friends know me and my family knows me, the people who's opinion actually matters.

But still, from time to time, I feel a bit of hurt when I hear from a third party some people's comments about me... "She says I can't talk to you, because she thinks you're gonna take me.." "She said you were bad mouthing her friend in order to get her fired.." "They are telling people rumors about you, why? I don't know, they just don't like you, I guess..." A lot of the time I take time to sit and think about these accusations : What did I do to make them think these things? Why do they think I'm a bad person? How can they say this when they've never even talked to me?

I could never bring myself to do that to another person. I admit, my hands are not clean from bad mouthing a person, but I feel as though I at least had some tangible evidence or experience to go off of. I wonder if these people know how much their comments hurt? How much it stings when you hear an untrue rumor about you?

It's almost worse when they're friends of a friend, then all you can do is watch them and think "Don't you know what they've done to me?" it gives you that false sense that now even your own friend doesn't care, because if they did they would say something...

...right? Would you? Would I?

But back to the quote. I guess in a way, it really only matters if one person knows I'm doing good. I shouldn't let the negative thoughts and comments deter me from who I really want to be. They shouldn't control my actions. They shouldn't cause me to hate. If anything, I should grow larger than them, and see that love is really lacking in the world we live in, and it should drive me to do and show it more.

I just want to continue loving <3

A whole new's called the sun!  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

On a semi-important note, I woke up today around 8am. I don't think I have done that in...oh...say over 6 months? (I counted 8 months). There are two reasons why this is kind of a big deal:

  1. I went to bed around 4am, and I am somehow not wishing I was back in bed yet. For someone who sleeps 10+ hours on a typical night, this is a dramatic change, and seemingly impossible task.
  2. I have been telling myself for a while now that I wanted to get up be more productive with my time, and not waste it all away by sleeping until 2 in the afternoon. And though every night before I rev myself up with motivation and make my list of goals; the next morning I always wake up, shut off my alarm, realize that I literally dont HAVE to do anything until 4pm, and go back to sleeping forever.

It's pretty safe to say that I am not a good self-motivator. A terribly weak quality that I'm not to proud to say has not gotten better over the years. And along with that I don't have a very good idea as to how one should improve on that idea. I guess one way to do it is to purposely set things to be at earlier times in the day. (Classes, appointments, work, ect.)  Today I made an appointment with my counselor at 9:15...IN THE MORNING!! I admit I thought it was a bit crazy for me to even think about getting out of bed before 11...but here I was, waking up at 8, hating myself for it, but still going through with making it on time. And now it's almost noon, and I haven't gone back to bed!

I think I deserve a little pat on the back :)

Tired from being tired..  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

I seem to wear myself out all the time...but it happens because I don't do anything. Ever. Wanna see how my day usually goes?

  1. Wake up around noon.
  2. Take doggy outside.
  3. Eat cereal, watch episode of House. (it is now 2pmish)
  4. Sit and watch movie, or something.
  5. Shower. (Now 330pmish)
  6. If work, go to work till 930. If not work, see if someone wants to hang out. (5pm)
  7. If friend hangs out, they want to drink. or smoke. or something else that gets old when you do it every weekend.
  8. Get home. (10pm-12amish)
  9. Stay up until 3-4am for no reason.
  10. Sleep.
You  should also throw in some random eating fests in there, taking into account that they are in large undesirable portions.

I get motivated every day to change my life, around the time I go to bed...just thinking about how I wasted my day away irritates me. And (as the broken record says) I am sick of the life style I chose to partake in as of late.

It's not so much the idea that I don't enjoy the stuff I do in my abundant amount of free time I have....but its all to a more excessive amount than I would like for it to be.

.... I think I've lost where I was going with this, because of how dull my mind it right now. -_-

So, here is a list of things I would have liked to do today//in my life as of late:

Go to Barnes and Noble
Run on my treadmill
Do crunches
Read my book for bookclub
Unpack apartment
See different friends
Drink coffee
Hang out with bestfriend (cept I changed my mind half way through the day about that)
Have meaningful conversations with meaningful people
Be with meaningful people
Be enrolled in classes

Oh ranting post. :P


Posted by: Bethany Sue pointed out by T.C. in his recent post...I had made a goal for myself to write a post everyday...even if it was insignificant and didn't mean anything...


I mean...come on self! The last time I apparently posted a blog post was all the way back in September. That's pretty pathetic, if I do say so myself.

I will become inspired from the person I inspired!

Flowery Things  

Posted by: Bethany Sue


 Can we all just agree that something inside of me has snapped?

I really like this stuff, and would love to own every single piece and wear it and display it if I could.

Here's why I'm posting this....
If you know me, you're more than likely going 'Uh...that's not Bethany!!" To be honest, if I ever walked in like this, and you said that to my face, I would be quite hurt to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I'm not displeased with the clothing I currently wear, but I do enjoy feeling prettyful and fancy-like every now and then...and why should I limit my 'style' (cause i has one...question mark?) to only my jeans and black sweaters? And why does wearing a skirt or flowers mean I can't still be me? 

This same idea ties into my personality too...yes, I am a sarcastic, hilarious, pessimistic, firecracking mouthed, stubborn woman. And know what? I like that about me :) but you know what I also like? I also like being a sweetheart, caring, thoughtful, giggly, loving woman too. It's always seemed like we have to pick only one end of a spectrum, to make it easier for others to pin us, to learn how to react to us. But again...why can' I be both?

After all, I like a challenge ;)

I am entirely aware that this is a complete waste of a blog post  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

So....I went shopping! I shouldn't have, cause as you read in my last post I was trying to be smarter with my money and stuff :P BUT! In my defense, I bought things I actually like, and things I will actually wear. So, to waste a blog post and some battery life from my camera, allow me to present to you what I now own:

These are tank tops. Wanna know why they are special? 1. They don't have the stupid built in bra things. 2. Some are colors besides black :D

 This is a skirt. Before I owned 1 skirt. Now I have 2. That's more you know!

So I tend to be verrry picky when it comes to necklaces I will wear...and I am happy to say that I now have another that I can stand :)

I own flats now! I'm such a girl. right....right?

A shirt I found at Platos's a little tight, but I will fit in it soon ;)

Before this moment, I did not own any black heels. Now I do. 8$, I win.

Things I Want to Do: Pt.1  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

Learn French

Manage money better
Grow instead of become

Be healthy

Write at least once a day

Say hello back to the cash register people

Read more books

Major in Community Psychology (Hopefully master in College Counseling and Student Development)

Have faith in something

Sorry, I died.  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

And that title is even more to myself than to anyone who reads this :P Life since I last posted has been hectic to say the very least...but I THINK I've got things under a little bit of control now :P

Soo...what is there to say...I turned 21 last Tuesday. Everyone kept asking if I felt any different...the answer is no, haha. The 'feeling different' part would have to go hand in hand with just the coincidence of time itself..not because 21 magically pushed a button in my brain. The legal weekend was amazing :) it really opened my eyes to how many caring friends I have! A special shout out to Allison though: You were by far wonderful in all aspects this weekend :)) I couldn't have asked for a better host! I owe you BIG time.

I have stopped going to Rasmussen college, and honestly it's most likely one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I don't know why, but part of me was super convinced that I HAD to be in a college of some form, otherwise the world would end as I knew it :P but the truth is, I didn't even want to go there, they didn't have anything that I was interested in pursuing major-wise. So my plan is this: appeal for spring semester at SCSU. Get into community psych. And succeed. :)

I've been trying to work very hard on thinking things through when it comes to my decision making, and it's nice to say for myself that I have made some progress :) I've made a lot of progress in many aspects of my life...and it feels really good! I just need to keep up on my efforts :D


Posted by: Bethany Sue

UGH! I have no idea what I want right now :( from food for lunch, to my path in life...just....clueless! But it's itching at my brain pretty rough...hope it doesn't go too far ><

Inspired...for 10 seconds  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

Ever notice the people who say things like "I'm changing my life starting today!" or "I'm so inspired to do good things!"

Well, if you're reading this, you should know people Like that...because I'm one of them :P

It's sad really...I don't like the idea of being like that. But I guess its more that everyone is kind of like that...because the people who truly did these things, wouldn't be posting it on facebook or blogger...because they wouldn't need to show off that kind of thing, the good feelings would be all inside and outside verification would mean nothing to them.

I wanna be that person.

But I'm also the one posting it to the public.

The Second Time You Fall In Love With Someone  

Posted by: Bethany Sue in , , , ,

I found this blogging site when I was surfing, and this is the first article that popped up. Read it. It's really quite lovely :)

The Second Time You Fall In Love With Someone

Aug. 16, 2011

The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to feel so relieved. When you get your heart broken for the first time, you can’t imagine loving someone else again or having someone else love you. You worry about your ex finding love before you do, you worry about being damaged goods. And then it happens. Someone else loves you and you can sleep well at night.

The second time you fall in love with someone, it’s going to feel different. The first time felt like a dream almost. You were untouched, untainted by anyone. You accepted love with wide open arms and desperation. “Love me, love me, love me!” So you did. And then it fell apart and left you shocked to the core. You realized that people could be cruel and break your heart. You realized that people could stop meaning the sweet things they said to you just yesterday. So when you go into it again, you’re going to keep in mind everything that you’ve learned. You’re going to say, “Love me, love me, love me…until you don’t. In which case, I would like some advance warning. Thanks!”

The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to compare it to your first love. That’s okay. That’s natural. You’re going to be studying the new love with judgement and wariness. “My ex never liked broccoli. Why the hell does this one eat so much broccoli?!” Discovering that you have the ability to love multiple people who are different and feel different is initially very jarring. Loving an unfamiliar body will leave you disoriented and in dire need of a map. That’s okay too. That’s to be expected. Just ask the new love for directions.

The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to suffer from a bout of amnesia. You’re going to poke and prod at your lover’s body and be like, “Wait, how do I do this again? How do I love you? I think it starts with us having a moment together in some coffee shop, right?” It’s going to feel scary at first. Falling in love is sort of like riding a bike though. You never really forget.

The second time you fall in love with someone, you’ll be a more sane person. Your first love is when you get all of your insanity out. You behave like an insane monster because your mind is freaking out about all these new powerful feelings. By the second time, however, you have an idea of what works and what doesn’t. It’s by no means perfect. The insanity will make a cameo at some point. “Peek a boo. I’m here! Hope you didn’t forget about me!” But you can usually shoo it away after awhile.

The second time you fall in love with someone, you will hopefully have better sex. Do not quote me on this.

The second time you fall in love with someone will still be exciting and you might even talk about moving in together or marriage. It will feel more “adult.” You have no idea what adult love actually is but you think it involves making coffee for each other in the morning and maybe even getting a dog. “This is my dog, Xan. I got him with the second person I fell in love with because that’s what you do! The first person I was in love with would’ve killed a dog.”

The second time will not be the first time. The first time is an insane magical life gift that you can never reclaim. But that’s okay. The second time is more real anyway. The second time can involve some amazing love.

Writing Goal  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

I don't know why, but last night I decided that I needed to try and make a blog post everyday. Even if it's small and not as significant as others (such as this) I just figured it would be a good idea to start doing this.
I have found a couple of photos such as this one, a partially moving GIF. They're very lovely, if I do say so myself :)

Missing Piece  

Posted by: Bethany Sue in , , , ,

I know we ALL get that feeling, you come home one night, take a seat, and realize that something is missing. Sometimes it's easy to spot what exactly 'it ' is: a person, a hobby, a job, lost passion, ect. Other times, we haven't the slightest clue what's causing our heart to take a plunge on these seemingly random nights.

That's the kind I'm having right now, the one where my heart is trying to tell me I need something, but I can't see just what that is at the moment. The only feeling I have is that it's something new; something I haven't ever experienced yet in my life, and it's standing just around the corner, waiting patiently for me to find that missing piece, but I forgot how to walk forward and keep bumping into the wall. And though I knock and bang, it just won't turn into the easy door I want it to be. The obvious is certain: you can't achieve anything new by repeating the same steps over again.

I wonder if there's extra pieces everywhere? Do we hold others' missing pieces? Just laying around, all sorts and shapes. Even if we pick it up, and try it on, it will only fit with the one it matches. A predetermined fate. Everything I know points to not trusting that idea, that only I can build and cut out the life I want. I don't know what I want, so how can I do that? I feel enthralled and inspired by the people I meet, who tell me that one day they somehow ran into that missing piece and went, "Wow, yes! This is EXACTLY what I was meant to do with my life." And they just truly know.

Firing Back into School  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

I'm the type of person who is aware that something is coming...but it doesn't hit me until it actually happens (sometimes even after!)

One of my most recent examples? My online classes at Rasmussen start tomorrow, and I haven't prepared for anything! I'm not in any shape to begin classes I better work fast!


Posted by: Bethany Sue in , , , ,

A couple days ago, I joined an online dating site called OkCupid:

Now...allow me to first share my opinion on dating sites. I think they're fucken stupid. I think that in order to find people to date, that you should go out and meet people in a live social way, and that thinking an online site will just 'magically' find you a lovely mate is completely and utterly ridiculous. So, for the people who go into with "I wanna fall in love, so I'll join this site" then you too, are ridiculous. (I sound like Peirs Morgan)

HOWEVER! If you're..well, like myself, and you joined out of curiosity of what a site like this is like, or you just wanted to have fresh conversations with new people, then...I understand. Those are the best reasons I can think of, as to why I joined. But honestly, I'm still not even entirely sure.

Maaaybe it's because I am female...but here is what I've found so far: 80% of these people are complete creeps. You might have already expected this, I certainly did, so I have no hard feelings when I look at someone's profile or message and say "Hmm...nope." and block them. Another 10% aren't so creepy...they're just boring, or clearly they were set up by their friends or something to be on the site, and have absolutely no interest in furthering any conversation that is given to them. These people, I say, ok no problem, but I don't want to talk to you :P

And the last 10%...well, I must say I am almost embarrassed to admit it because I had such huge doubts, but these people actually know how to have a conversation that isn't "hey" or "Your hot, let's hook up"! They are not terrible looking guys either, and so far I am content to keep my conversations with 3.5 of them (I say .5, cause one of them is a druggie...and...yeah, haha.) In general, I was just really surprised that these (even though few) guys were on here not to hook up or even actually date anyone, but to talk to someone attractive (in more ways than just looks) and just have a stimulating conversation.

Don't go thinking with your head now..."Aw now she'll find a man and they'll date and be happy forever!" Most certainly not. My largest outlook on this is that I have no problem talking to people, and MAYBE making as friend, but I certainly have no desire to date anyone on this site. I'm going into it with the feeling that if I get bored/creeped out/whatever with it, I can delete it no problem and never look back on it. I think this is a good way to look at the site...especially for me ;)

So, if you are ever interested in seeing what a dating site is like, I suggest OkCupid. It's completely free, you can actually see the pictures of the matches, and it's all in good fun if you know you're keeping yourself safe. Enjoy!

(This is Peirs Morgan, from one of my favorite shows, America's Got Talent)
((Cause I know you were just DYING to know this))

A Few Light Changes  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

So, on the chance that some of you may not have noticed, I have updated and made a couple of changes to my blog. (if you're a new reader, you obviously have no idea and everything is new!)

First off, the obvious change would be the layout of my entire blog. I'm pretty picky when it comes to backgrounds and templates and word format and sizing, and blah blah blah. But I think I really like this one, and find it rather suiting, so I plan on having this stick around for a while! Everything should navigate the same way, except that there isnt a navigation bar at the top anymore. No worries, I added a Blogger button on the right hand side so that you fellow members can get back to your dashboard without losing your cool ;)

The other change I made is that I added the option for people to follow me via email. The reason I did this is because I talked to a couple of you guys, and found two main reasons (aside from not wanting to follow someone who writes about nothing) that I did not get your follow: 1. You ignore a lot of your Facebook feed and miss my posting link or 2. You don't want to create a whole blog account and having no intention to write anything, just to follow me. And while I do not-so-secretly wish you would all make blogs and write random stuff for me to read everyday, I hope that this Follow by Email system will work well for you!

And don't be shy to write any comments, I love them, no matter how silly they may be :)

Breezes Through My Head  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

We don't always get the attention from the people we want it from...I know this to be very true. And it's a sad thing because those who do sincerely care and love us, we're blind and cannot see or accept their offers. We have this idea in our head of what these actions should look like, should feel like. How could we be more wrong, and realize it and not realize it at the same time?

Most everything I'm writing here is babbling...I get a thought, go on a tangent, and lose track of what I was trying to say to begin with. I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing, but I do know I was brought around it for some reason or another.

I don't like new. It's terrifying. I'm trying to get past this...I've been trying. But in my head I always thought that I had to 'go big or go home' with if I knew I couldn't give a 100% turn on it, then there was no use trying. I'm taking smaller steps now...changing things 10% at first, and getting ok with that. I'm trying to say things to people without doing it to get the answer I want to hear, but I still have issues with getting no answer. I'm trying to go places and see people that I'm scared of, but still needing at least one anchor to keep me from drifting away in a scary sea...Trying to do good, because it makes me feel good, and not because I want them to do an equal back...but still having that ache for it, which whether or not its visual, it tugs at me hard enough for that to be a big holding back factor. And I'm trying to do all these things to get a personal satisfaction out of it, and not because I want you to see it, and deliver that to me instead.

My happiness is based largely on the people I interact with...if I don't have you guys, I have nothing. But I should know better to not let this happen..I've been there once. I remember once and a while what true lonesomeness felt like, and it scares me to the point of tears. I'm use to trying to work hard at something, and without even realizing it, I shoot myself backwards ten steps and get stuck in where I was a long time ago. And every time, I forget how I got out of it completely.

This might sounds like a depressing or sad post. I don't mean for it to. They are just some of the thoughts that have tumbled through my mind lately. And it also might not make any sense for those who took the time to read all of this. I'm sorry for that too, but I also join you on that note, because I don't even know what I'm thinking half the time.

You're not alone, so I guess, I can't be either?


Posted by: Bethany Sue

I have been such a selfish person lately. Take that back, who knows how long I've been being selfish. I withhold so much kindness from everyone, even though there are so many people who are very deserving of it, and who flat out need it. The only time I let it out is when I feel like I will gain something from acting nice...and I hate that. What a waste of effort...and only do such things in hopes that things will get better for you. How can I be so un-genuine? Why does it take the knees of a falling man with tears down his face and a broken heart in his chest to make me push all my selfishness aside to make my focus switch completely; to only caring that he's ok regardless of what happens elsewhere, to go running to his aide? That's too close of a call...action should have been taken sooner. Instead...I battle with my head about how to make people happy so that they can make me happy in shouldn't be like that. That second step shouldn't even be there.

Even now...what am I doing? Writing a blog about how I feel selfish, but am I doing this in hopes of spelling it out to myself? More than likely, it's being written to get some recognition from whomever actually reads this...and isn't that being selfish too? I shouldn't want pity. I want to write 'I don't want pity" but I'm not completely sure myself that that's the truth...

Kindness should be a bigger part of us. This whole not caring about others is a waste of time, even as I do it I know this to be true. I'm going to try to be better, in all ways. I need to be better for people, because if I am capable of doing this, then I should give it away freely and plenty.

No really, you don't understand...  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

Whether or not some of you choose to believe it or not, I am a very, very caring person. I feel for almost everyone I meet. And given some recent events that have been going on, allow me to just say this:

I sincerely hate people who hurt my friends, it really gets me livid. There's no place for it. They truly are the most wonderful people I know, and to cause them any level of pain (whether they consider it large or minor) is simply not ok. I'm a very protective person, and I will do anything to keep close and important people safe. 

Do not fuck with them.

Battle Within  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

I recently went to Barnes and Noble with my buddy T.C. I find that the only time I end up going there is when I hang out with him, which is dumb!! Don't get me wrong, he's fun to be with, but I need to go there more often! The atmosphere of that store is incredible, just peaceful and well...full of books!!!

I ended up buying two books this trip, one of them was "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock. If you know me, you know I like to ask a long range of random questions, and more importantly I like to meaningful (personal) questions. And this book is chalk full of them, which I feel gives me a good excuse to harass anyone who will listen with them :)

I also overly enjoy being asked questions (I mean, how can I turn down an opportunity to give out my thoughts and opinions? lol) So, even though less genuine, I kind of forced T.C. to ask me a few from the book as well. Most weren't that awe striking, but one did stand out, and ironically it has been a thought that's been floating around in my head for a while now:

"Would you rather be happy yet slow-witted and unimaginative or unhappy yet bright and creative?"

 The answer to this should be obvious, right? Everyone should choose being happy over anything else...but I find myself battling these two options. I use to be completely on the second half of the statement, perhaps not by choice...but nevertheless, that's just how it was. I liked my mind, and my thoughts, and just where I stood in general. But I certainly wasn't happy. It's been a long time since then, and lots of things have changed. I am a much happier person, don't get me wrong, but I do feel that part of me is slipping...I feel dumber...not as quick, and less able to pick up on my senses of others...this I don't like. I have a harder time connecting with the people around me, can't keep up with the overly sensed and intelligent, but still past a level of the people who are blindly happy with being blind.

I don't know precisely what I am to do with this thought, should I act and pick a side? Or should I just leave it and let it take a course? I guess each of those options leads to an obvious point though...

Oh brain of mine.

Really Pointless Post  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

So I felt really good again today, which is awesome! Looks like this little funk thing I got caught in won't last long, cause I'm shooing it away! I have a few things that aren't going well for me (aka stupid school things) but surprisingly I'm not throwing myself into a fit about it :) hurray!

Considering that I just updated this blog two days ago, it goes without saying that nothing is new. The only thing that changed is that it was ungodly hot up until this morning, and then on my way to Monticello from Justin's house, it dropped like 20 degrees. Complaining? Not in the least. Wondering what the hell happened in that whole 15 minute time span? Very much so...

I miss being around my friends all the time, it was always nice to have lots of people to talk to or hang out with all the time. Ah well..summer usually brings this, I hope you're all doing swell though!

My car is currently parked out on the street...and I have to move it before 1am. I will do that, but right now, that seems like such a long walk there and back. But at least I have pants on now!! :D hahaha

Oh! Also, my buddy T.C. is now following my blog (cause he decided to be awesome) so now I have a full two people reading this! Aren't I lucky?? You should check out his blog too:

I like that when I wear certian outfits merely because I didn't do laundry, that people compliment me all the time. Haha, is this a sign? :P

I've been watching a shit load of documentaries lately...I have no idea why, lol. And this reminded me that I forgot to take Generation Kill from Justin today...baaah. I'm never gonna finish that series!!

Mmmmkaay, this is the end of my really pointless post. If you're like "why the hell did she even bother writing this?' don't worry, we're in the same boat. If you got entertainment, well that's fantastic :D Good night kiddies! (Also, idk how i can be tired right now, i slept until like 5pm...wtfw)

Enjoy this picture:

Insanely Overdue  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

It's been a few weeks since I've written a blog post on here..and wow has so much happened! This is only going to sum up a very small amount of everything that has been going on, so for those who read this, sorry for the vagueness!

Memorial weekend was awesome! Justin and I went there on Friday and stayed at one of his buddy's house. I met a lot of them over the weekend, and they are all wonderful people. Most of them are soldiers currently, and it was a completely different experience to talk with people who have been there and how their lifestyle works. It was also nice to finally be around a a group where the vast majority could take my sarcasm ;) I was really lucky to go on that trip with Button!!

Work has finally gotten to a point of bitter sweetness...I'm happy that my schedule is no longer 9am-4pm everyday (Mon-Fri) but at the same time I feel like I am getting pretty screwed for hours in this next pay period, and I'm kind of all over the place for my shifts and locations :/ ah well. I'm sure it'll work out somehow :)

I also got to see my awesome buddy Alicia this past weekend!! :DD I was in a rather desperate need to see my friend again, and it allowed me to get some of my dorky-ness out!! We went to this place called PotSpot in her town of Avon, which was awesome cause you get to pick out one of the ceramic makings that they had on the shelves (Bowls, plates, piggy banks, frames, dinasours, you name it!!) and you decorate it anyway you want with the different glazes they have there :D I made a bowl to put my trinkets in, and Alica painted a stegosaurus!! They're suppose to be done on Tuesday, so that means I will get to see my buddy again quite soon :)) I think I may have to pay her a visit at ground rounds where she works, until she gets that dream job that is ;)

I have been in a really stupid and sucky mood since Thursday, and I'm trying to put my foot down and kick this crabbiness away!! What have I got to be upset about?? I have awesome friends, awesome stuff to do, and awesome boyfriend, and just a really positive future waiting for me to make it!! (I sound like Kristine now, haha. Guess you're rubbing off on me cuz! :D )

I will try and keep up more with my posting, cause it makes me happier to write them, haha. Take care guys!

Zombie Mode: On  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

If you know me, you know I am a fairly reasoned person. This does not entail that I have good reasons, or am reasonable (though I like to think I am), but nevertheless, I always have reasons for everything. So, we could safely assume that when something DOESN'T have a reason, I am thrown into a loop of confusion, frustration, and maybe a little but of hunger at the same time.

A good example would be this whole 'tiredness' thing that's been going on today...I don't like it one bit. I knew last week I was blowing my brains out because I simply did not sleep, and therefor, needed sleep, therefor, causing this feeling of sleepyness. HOWEVER! Last night I slept like a baby, and I was barely able to function as a normal human being during work today. I didn't even have enough energy to make my turkey sandwhich for lunch...the world is ending. And now I just slept solidly from 4pm-9pm...and I still think that my bed is beckoning me! GRR!

I suppose part of me could blame it on the events of the week. Let's start with Wednesday. It was awesome :) I hung out with Justin after I worked, and we watched some show that I can't remember the name of, but it was funny as shit mind you. And the Jack Daniels....aaaah that, drinking tends to take my ADD and give it steroids, i feel like I was freaking out and laughing alot, and I didn't even have that much :P regaurdless, I was with him, and got to sleep in his overly awesome comfy bed, so it was a good day :) from Thursday to Saturday sucked butt. Justin had to work an ungodly amount of hours, which made me unhappy that i could not see him, and him unhappy cause it means no sleep, so adding that together means we were both just not in a good place to be happy go lucky campers...although, I did hang out with my ex's sister (who is waaaaay cooler than I gave the girl credit for) and my old roommate Natalie, so at least events took place!

I think my favorite day was indeed Sunday...I went home to visit Noah for his birthday and such, and afterwords I ended up hanging out with Kristine and her BF. She's really fucken cool...and I am disapointed to say that our hanging out and 'friendship' is more or less a new thing. And I've been missing out on a lot! This girl totally gets my thinking, doesn't give me weird looks at the things i say, and allows me those moments to be completely paranoid and nosy....which I like to think I allow all these in return for her ;) You guuuuuuuys! She rocks!

Aaaaand then there was yesterday. I went o Mccans with Justin, Kristine, and a whole mess of people from his work. They were all much older than I thought they were gonna be, but I enjoyed it still! Poor mister needed a night out, and it was quite humorous to watch him be drunk and such :) I'm also really glad that Kristine came...cause otherwise I would have been totally lost and felt super awkward. I was called 'sassy' four times that night (ironic) and it was just a good time in general :D

OH! Did I mention I'm no longer single? BOOSH!

Friday the 13th  

Posted by: Bethany Sue in , , , ,

Typically, I would say that I am not a superstitious person. But as it seems with all of the things that have been happening today (Friday, May 13th) I'm getting a little bit cautious about it all being a simple coincidence....

As I would hope for anyone who is actually reading my this, you know that I am working on campus this summer at SCSU as a Conference Crew Assistant. Basically we have been spending this first two weeks cleaning and preparing the residence halls for the arrival of any camps that might come through and stay there for a period of time. Well, they seemed to think that it was a good idea to make heavy lifting as a task for this job, consisting of us removing all the furniture from one dorm they are renovating. Needless to say, I did more physical activity that day than I have in my whole two years here at college (which I'm not exactly proud of, by the way). By the end of the day I was covered in bruises and pain in places I simply think should just not hurt. Thinking we were done with that bull-shish, today we had to set up one last room..and of course, the easiest of all the tasks would have me injured the most. My hand is swollen from pinching it in the door, I got hit in the head by a bed frame, I put a staple through my finger, and there is a weird bruise on my hip from god knows what! This makes me consider desk work to be a much safer alternative...

I also haven't slept for the past couple days...well, maybe a few hours, but all that's doing is keeping me from falling over at this point. I was ok not sleeping Wednesday, it was rather enjoyable if I do say so myself :)) and should happen again real soon. Thursday night however...not much of a good excuse there...tried to nap, failed. Watched a movie, too tired to concentrate, failed. Tried to sleep, failed. FINALLY got tired at like 4am, but by that point I was too busy worrying about being late for work...which I was :/ not a good thing at all.. I plan on dying tonight, and it shall be grand.

I suppose a bitter sweet situation did happen yesterday...I went to Platos Closet and bought lots of stuff at a low low prices :) which was awesome!! (I got a pretty dress hehe) However, it did seem to point out two issues: 1. I am spending waaaaaaaaay too much money that I do not have to capability of doing at the moment. 2. I realized that I gained at least one pant size this year :( meaning my clothes don't fit, and i quite simply feel like 'blaaah'. I need a solution to this...a workable one...

P.S. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't so damn tired last night, The King's Speech would have made me cry.