Really Pointless Post  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

So I felt really good again today, which is awesome! Looks like this little funk thing I got caught in won't last long, cause I'm shooing it away! I have a few things that aren't going well for me (aka stupid school things) but surprisingly I'm not throwing myself into a fit about it :) hurray!

Considering that I just updated this blog two days ago, it goes without saying that nothing is new. The only thing that changed is that it was ungodly hot up until this morning, and then on my way to Monticello from Justin's house, it dropped like 20 degrees. Complaining? Not in the least. Wondering what the hell happened in that whole 15 minute time span? Very much so...

I miss being around my friends all the time, it was always nice to have lots of people to talk to or hang out with all the time. Ah well..summer usually brings this, I hope you're all doing swell though!

My car is currently parked out on the street...and I have to move it before 1am. I will do that, but right now, that seems like such a long walk there and back. But at least I have pants on now!! :D hahaha

Oh! Also, my buddy T.C. is now following my blog (cause he decided to be awesome) so now I have a full two people reading this! Aren't I lucky?? You should check out his blog too:

I like that when I wear certian outfits merely because I didn't do laundry, that people compliment me all the time. Haha, is this a sign? :P

I've been watching a shit load of documentaries lately...I have no idea why, lol. And this reminded me that I forgot to take Generation Kill from Justin today...baaah. I'm never gonna finish that series!!

Mmmmkaay, this is the end of my really pointless post. If you're like "why the hell did she even bother writing this?' don't worry, we're in the same boat. If you got entertainment, well that's fantastic :D Good night kiddies! (Also, idk how i can be tired right now, i slept until like 5pm...wtfw)

Enjoy this picture:

Insanely Overdue  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

It's been a few weeks since I've written a blog post on here..and wow has so much happened! This is only going to sum up a very small amount of everything that has been going on, so for those who read this, sorry for the vagueness!

Memorial weekend was awesome! Justin and I went there on Friday and stayed at one of his buddy's house. I met a lot of them over the weekend, and they are all wonderful people. Most of them are soldiers currently, and it was a completely different experience to talk with people who have been there and how their lifestyle works. It was also nice to finally be around a a group where the vast majority could take my sarcasm ;) I was really lucky to go on that trip with Button!!

Work has finally gotten to a point of bitter sweetness...I'm happy that my schedule is no longer 9am-4pm everyday (Mon-Fri) but at the same time I feel like I am getting pretty screwed for hours in this next pay period, and I'm kind of all over the place for my shifts and locations :/ ah well. I'm sure it'll work out somehow :)

I also got to see my awesome buddy Alicia this past weekend!! :DD I was in a rather desperate need to see my friend again, and it allowed me to get some of my dorky-ness out!! We went to this place called PotSpot in her town of Avon, which was awesome cause you get to pick out one of the ceramic makings that they had on the shelves (Bowls, plates, piggy banks, frames, dinasours, you name it!!) and you decorate it anyway you want with the different glazes they have there :D I made a bowl to put my trinkets in, and Alica painted a stegosaurus!! They're suppose to be done on Tuesday, so that means I will get to see my buddy again quite soon :)) I think I may have to pay her a visit at ground rounds where she works, until she gets that dream job that is ;)

I have been in a really stupid and sucky mood since Thursday, and I'm trying to put my foot down and kick this crabbiness away!! What have I got to be upset about?? I have awesome friends, awesome stuff to do, and awesome boyfriend, and just a really positive future waiting for me to make it!! (I sound like Kristine now, haha. Guess you're rubbing off on me cuz! :D )

I will try and keep up more with my posting, cause it makes me happier to write them, haha. Take care guys!