Zombie Mode: On  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

If you know me, you know I am a fairly reasoned person. This does not entail that I have good reasons, or am reasonable (though I like to think I am), but nevertheless, I always have reasons for everything. So, we could safely assume that when something DOESN'T have a reason, I am thrown into a loop of confusion, frustration, and maybe a little but of hunger at the same time.

A good example would be this whole 'tiredness' thing that's been going on today...I don't like it one bit. I knew last week I was blowing my brains out because I simply did not sleep, and therefor, needed sleep, therefor, causing this feeling of sleepyness. HOWEVER! Last night I slept like a baby, and I was barely able to function as a normal human being during work today. I didn't even have enough energy to make my turkey sandwhich for lunch...the world is ending. And now I just slept solidly from 4pm-9pm...and I still think that my bed is beckoning me! GRR!

I suppose part of me could blame it on the events of the week. Let's start with Wednesday. It was awesome :) I hung out with Justin after I worked, and we watched some show that I can't remember the name of, but it was funny as shit mind you. And the Jack Daniels....aaaah that Jack...lol, drinking tends to take my ADD and give it steroids, i feel like I was freaking out and laughing alot, and I didn't even have that much :P regaurdless, I was with him, and got to sleep in his overly awesome comfy bed, so it was a good day :)

Mkay....so...basically from Thursday to Saturday sucked butt. Justin had to work an ungodly amount of hours, which made me unhappy that i could not see him, and him unhappy cause it means no sleep, so adding that together means we were both just not in a good place to be happy go lucky campers...although, I did hang out with my ex's sister (who is waaaaay cooler than I gave the girl credit for) and my old roommate Natalie, so at least events took place!

I think my favorite day was indeed Sunday...I went home to visit Noah for his birthday and such, and afterwords I ended up hanging out with Kristine and her BF. She's really fucken cool...and I am disapointed to say that our hanging out and 'friendship' is more or less a new thing. And I've been missing out on a lot! This girl totally gets my thinking, doesn't give me weird looks at the things i say, and allows me those moments to be completely paranoid and nosy....which I like to think I allow all these in return for her ;) You guuuuuuuys! She rocks!

Aaaaand then there was yesterday. I went o Mccans with Justin, Kristine, and a whole mess of people from his work. They were all much older than I thought they were gonna be, but I enjoyed it still! Poor mister needed a night out, and it was quite humorous to watch him be drunk and such :) I'm also really glad that Kristine came...cause otherwise I would have been totally lost and felt super awkward. I was called 'sassy' four times that night (ironic) and it was just a good time in general :D

OH! Did I mention I'm no longer single? BOOSH!

Friday the 13th  

Posted by: Bethany Sue in , , , ,

Typically, I would say that I am not a superstitious person. But as it seems with all of the things that have been happening today (Friday, May 13th) I'm getting a little bit cautious about it all being a simple coincidence....

As I would hope for anyone who is actually reading my this, you know that I am working on campus this summer at SCSU as a Conference Crew Assistant. Basically we have been spending this first two weeks cleaning and preparing the residence halls for the arrival of any camps that might come through and stay there for a period of time. Well, they seemed to think that it was a good idea to make heavy lifting as a task for this job, consisting of us removing all the furniture from one dorm they are renovating. Needless to say, I did more physical activity that day than I have in my whole two years here at college (which I'm not exactly proud of, by the way). By the end of the day I was covered in bruises and pain in places I simply think should just not hurt. Thinking we were done with that bull-shish, today we had to set up one last room..and of course, the easiest of all the tasks would have me injured the most. My hand is swollen from pinching it in the door, I got hit in the head by a bed frame, I put a staple through my finger, and there is a weird bruise on my hip from god knows what! This makes me consider desk work to be a much safer alternative...

I also haven't slept for the past couple days...well, maybe a few hours, but all that's doing is keeping me from falling over at this point. I was ok not sleeping Wednesday, it was rather enjoyable if I do say so myself :)) and should happen again real soon. Thursday night however...not much of a good excuse there...tried to nap, failed. Watched a movie, too tired to concentrate, failed. Tried to sleep, failed. FINALLY got tired at like 4am, but by that point I was too busy worrying about being late for work...which I was :/ not a good thing at all.. I plan on dying tonight, and it shall be grand.

I suppose a bitter sweet situation did happen yesterday...I went to Platos Closet and bought lots of stuff at a low low prices :) which was awesome!! (I got a pretty dress hehe) However, it did seem to point out two issues: 1. I am spending waaaaaaaaay too much money that I do not have to capability of doing at the moment. 2. I realized that I gained at least one pant size this year :( meaning my clothes don't fit, and i quite simply feel like 'blaaah'. I need a solution to this...a workable one...

P.S. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't so damn tired last night, The King's Speech would have made me cry.