Flowery Things  

Posted by: Bethany Sue


 Can we all just agree that something inside of me has snapped?

I really like this stuff, and would love to own every single piece and wear it and display it if I could.

Here's why I'm posting this....
If you know me, you're more than likely going 'Uh...that's not Bethany!!" To be honest, if I ever walked in like this, and you said that to my face, I would be quite hurt to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I'm not displeased with the clothing I currently wear, but I do enjoy feeling prettyful and fancy-like every now and then...and why should I limit my 'style' (cause i has one...question mark?) to only my jeans and black sweaters? And why does wearing a skirt or flowers mean I can't still be me? 

This same idea ties into my personality too...yes, I am a sarcastic, hilarious, pessimistic, firecracking mouthed, stubborn woman. And know what? I like that about me :) but you know what I also like? I also like being a sweetheart, caring, thoughtful, giggly, loving woman too. It's always seemed like we have to pick only one end of a spectrum, to make it easier for others to pin us, to learn how to react to us. But again...why can' I be both?

After all, I like a challenge ;)

I am entirely aware that this is a complete waste of a blog post  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

So....I went shopping! I shouldn't have, cause as you read in my last post I was trying to be smarter with my money and stuff :P BUT! In my defense, I bought things I actually like, and things I will actually wear. So, to waste a blog post and some battery life from my camera, allow me to present to you what I now own:

These are tank tops. Wanna know why they are special? 1. They don't have the stupid built in bra things. 2. Some are colors besides black :D

 This is a skirt. Before I owned 1 skirt. Now I have 2. That's more you know!

So I tend to be verrry picky when it comes to necklaces I will wear...and I am happy to say that I now have another that I can stand :)

I own flats now! I'm such a girl. right....right?

A shirt I found at Platos Closet...it's a little tight, but I will fit in it soon ;)

Before this moment, I did not own any black heels. Now I do. 8$, I win.

Things I Want to Do: Pt.1  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

Learn French

Manage money better
Grow instead of become

Be healthy

Write at least once a day

Say hello back to the cash register people

Read more books

Major in Community Psychology (Hopefully master in College Counseling and Student Development)

Have faith in something

Sorry, I died.  

Posted by: Bethany Sue

And that title is even more to myself than to anyone who reads this :P Life since I last posted has been hectic to say the very least...but I THINK I've got things under a little bit of control now :P

Soo...what is there to say...I turned 21 last Tuesday. Everyone kept asking if I felt any different...the answer is no, haha. The 'feeling different' part would have to go hand in hand with just the coincidence of time itself..not because 21 magically pushed a button in my brain. The legal weekend was amazing :) it really opened my eyes to how many caring friends I have! A special shout out to Allison though: You were by far wonderful in all aspects this weekend :)) I couldn't have asked for a better host! I owe you BIG time.

I have stopped going to Rasmussen college, and honestly it's most likely one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I don't know why, but part of me was super convinced that I HAD to be in a college of some form, otherwise the world would end as I knew it :P but the truth is, I didn't even want to go there, they didn't have anything that I was interested in pursuing major-wise. So my plan is this: appeal for spring semester at SCSU. Get into community psych. And succeed. :)

I've been trying to work very hard on thinking things through when it comes to my decision making, and it's nice to say for myself that I have made some progress :) I've made a lot of progress in many aspects of my life...and it feels really good! I just need to keep up on my efforts :D