I know we ALL get that feeling, you come home one night, take a seat, and realize that something is missing. Sometimes it's easy to spot what exactly 'it ' is: a person, a hobby, a job, lost passion, ect. Other times, we haven't the slightest clue what's causing our heart to take a plunge on these seemingly random nights.
That's the kind I'm having right now, the one where my heart is trying to tell me I need something, but I can't see just what that is at the moment. The only feeling I have is that it's something new; something I haven't ever experienced yet in my life, and it's standing just around the corner, waiting patiently for me to find that missing piece, but I forgot how to walk forward and keep bumping into the wall. And though I knock and bang, it just won't turn into the easy door I want it to be. The obvious is certain: you can't achieve anything new by repeating the same steps over again.
I wonder if there's extra pieces everywhere? Do we hold others' missing pieces? Just laying around, all sorts and shapes. Even if we pick it up, and try it on, it will only fit with the one it matches. A predetermined fate. Everything I know points to not trusting that idea, that only I can build and cut out the life I want. I don't know what I want, so how can I do that? I feel enthralled and inspired by the people I meet, who tell me that one day they somehow ran into that missing piece and went, "Wow, yes! This is EXACTLY what I was meant to do with my life." And they just truly know.